Lifecraft Alpha #6 is now available!
Hello everyone!
We’ve just released v0.0.1f – alpha #6 of Lifecraft! This version contains a lot of QoL fixed and ehancements and it’s focused toward balancing the early game play and provide a more flowing experience.
You can download here:
We hope you’ll enjoy it! Feel free to provide any feedback by joining our Discord(you’ll find us there!)

- Added overlong picker which can transport items across 2 tiles
- Added starting size setting when generating new game
- Added heat generation to energy suppliers and crafters when they’re working
- Changed algorithm which manages slowdown of oxidable buildings to allow slow functioning until they’re exhausted
- Enhanced oxidable building information window to show status
- Tweaked a lot of energy and heat related values to have a more balanced experience (still deeply WIP)
- Reworked tutorial
- Fixed item balancer which was stucking the game under certain conditions
- Added bright/dark cycle
- Added game status bar
- Added larger disposer which requires energy
- Added DNA Nuclease and plasmide heap to provide stable source of nucleobases for research
- Added mk1 and mk2 energy supplier to have a cheaper one and a more expensive but more effective one
- Now small disposer has finite uses like small cytostome
- Added hover on structures when item is held
- Reworked early gameplay to be simpler and more flowing